Monday, October 18, 2010

Monday Monday

Like a great band once said, "Monday monday.... " Yes sirs, lyrics to live by. Anyway, I had a fairly eventful weekend. Friday night hockey was great, had 1 goal, played pretty good. Saturday was the day of my wifes birthday party at our place. We spent most of the day tidying up the place for company and then prepared some finger foods. Had a great time, I hope everyone else did too. Had more beers than I was anticipating but what can ya do.

The idea was that we were going to have a pumpkin carving contest. As the drinking went on, we felt that wielding little saws and knives was probably not the best thing, so a few of our guests took to decorating one of the pumpkins with a sharpie. I think it turned out rather nice:

Amazing! Proud to display. Should keep the kids away on halloween.

When I drink I like to show people stuff I own that's cool. Here are 2 things I have and treasure that I will share with you.

This is my Tonka truck. I found this at a Value Village one day. It's in great condition. I had one of these when I was 5-7, and I wore the wheels off running around with it. It's awesome.

This is my NES Action Set. I found the box with the styro still inside it at the place I was staying with my in-laws. When we moved, I took it. I found the manuals and the game and a couple other things on eBay, and the console is my own from when I was younger. I know the gun doesn't match the box (I have to find a gray one) but I'll find one eventually. This thing makes me nostalgia hard. I love it.


  1. Nice pumpkin....would be better as a Jack O' Lantern. :P

  2. Is it bad I want the Tonka Toy over the Ninpistola?
    Your pumpkin has been rated R, but the Pumpkin Lovers Association.
    Not affiliated.

  3. I got you beat, I still have my Robbie the Robot from the first yer it was in the states! :P

  4. really interesting man

  5. wow, sweet crap. great artistic skills on the pumpkin too.
