Friday, October 15, 2010

Now Look Here, You.

We've survived yet again, faithful followers. Friday is here, it's a beauty day (here at least), and it's time to get our weekend on. This weekend is going to be a good one for me. Along with my usual hockey game tonight, the Canucks are in LA to play the Kings tonight, then at home to Carolina on Sunday, and tomorrow is the party for my wifes birthday. I plan to eat a lot, and also consume a few beverages. Oh, twill be fun for sure.

But what that also means is that I have to go on a bit of a cleaning binge today. And tomorrow. I've been doing a bit here and there throughout the week, but now it's crunch time.

For anyone who hasn't added Google Analytics to their blog yet, I highly recommend it. It's a much more in-depth look into the stats behind your blog than Blogger itself gives. There are a few write-ups in other blogs about how to install it, but you can just search out how to set it up in Google.