Thursday, October 7, 2010

What Would You Do?

If you were laid off/unemployed like I am at this time, for as long as I have been, what would you guys do with your time? I've spent most of this time doing a myriad of things from cleaning up, playing Call of Duty/Counterstrike/Left 4 Dead, playing with the cats, blogging and even touched up and painted a wall or two. This in addition to sitting at the computerbox and sending resumes and scouring for job ads. How would you spend your time? Since it's likely this is going to take a while, maybe I need to add some things to my dailys to make life more interesting. Learn the guitar sitting in the corner? What would you guys do?


  1. To be completely honest, I wouldn't being doing much more than you currently are. But, yes it would be a great idea to invest time into a hobby you can pick up. I know most hobbies cost money to enjoy, but in the long run most skills will end up being beneficial to you in the long run.

  2. I sit and clean on occasion... I should go for runs or excersize.

  3. Go out and try figuring out how to make money by myself. Thats what I am doing.

  4. I don't really do much more than you are right now. I mostly play video games and do stuff like blog on the internet, but i do miscellaneous things too. I'm getting a job soon though so that'll change :|

  5. Dude, im there with you. I have been unemployed for well over a year now. I just play video games, and music. But all in all, I am usually pretty bored

  6. get things done that you've been meaning to get done, smoke weed, if you need money, think of ways to make money

  7. You could learn a language?
    I'm currently sudying Japanese.

  8. I;ve been unemployed for a while too man. Definitely focus on getting a new job again man, since it's taking me a long time to find a new job to pay off my depts.

  9. I am currently unemployed.. my day consists of this and going around stores looking for a job.

  10. i would try to get a hold of the mess that is my kitchen :F

  11. Pretty much the same thing, play games and find other inventive ways of making money. ;)

  12. I'd write my novel. :) Or attempt to open up a gaming store (card, board, pen and paper gaming).

  13. Try learning a lesson, or take up stretching as a low impact exercise.
    Philosophize, join some social networks, or build mazes for your cats (and of course post pics.)

  14. Learn a foreign language or an instrument, a great investment of spare time

  15. I'm casually unemployed this year. I planted a big garden in the yard, painted the house, bought a dog to take on walks. I started my blog just to give me something productive to do with my reading interests.

  16. Jobless too here...
    I spend some time on sport, reading stuff I would not read otherwise (understand educational books), and most important, spend time with family and friends in order to keep the mood up!


  17. I'd look for work and just chill out and learn something useful.

  18. i'd try to sell websites or programs

  19. Learn Russian like I've been meaning too, furthering my blog and focussing on other projects and things. =D

  20. which I'm also considering quiting my part time job to do.

  21. i'd try to sell websites

    (sorry if I double post, the internet seem to have failed to send my comment)

  22. I'd do what I do now .. browse Monster, indeed, careerbuilder, etc. All day long lol.

  23. As said before working on a skill of some sort, like learning a foreign language

  24. ya im in the same boat , im wasting my time atm ...

  25. yeah. just to be an expert at something. anything

  26. I think you should grow a beard.

  27. i would learn to play the guitar or another instrument or even learn another language! i'm trying to learn japapnese. i love your pic of the kitty too!! kawaiidesu! (-it's cute-)

  28. You should find something you are interested in and then try to become the best at whatever it is

  29. I would probably be doing affiliate marketing on a more serious level

  30. I cry every morning and every night. :(

  31. Look for a job and get out of the house lol

  32. My dog has a similar toy like the one in the pic, but theres some dogsnacks in there.. Too bad he never plays with it.

  33. I'd move to Liberia and become a drug dealer.

  34. When I was unemployed, i took to building things. I built dog houses, jacuzzi tubs, fire pits, anything to make the days go buy and the pain of 50 resumes a day being rejected.

  35. yeah you should learn to play guitar....I don't know what else you could do...there isn't really anything that doesn't getting boring after a while =/

  36. Looking for a job myself dude! isnt easy

  37. do webcomics, learn some new stuffs googleing
