Wednesday, November 3, 2010

5 More Days

Morning folks. So it's only 5 more days for me before I pack up some things and head up into the interior of BC for school. I'm very excited about it, probably more than normal since I've been at home since September. It's about a 4 hour drive from where I live, and I stay with a friend of mine who gives up a room for me to squat in while I'm there.

It's awesome because I can concentrate on my work and study a lot without too many outside distractions. There are a few of course, but I mainly stay on track. It's a little different this time around for me personally; the last two times I went up there for school I had my employer paying for it and giving me my wage. This time it's all on me. I guess there's a bit more incentive this year to do really well then? Make the most out of the money? Luckily the government should be helping me out with support payments, due to the economic situation, moving away from home, paying tuition etc. That'll halp.

I finished season 2 of Breaking Bad yesterday. I'm liking this show a lot. Anyone else watch it? What shows can you recommend for me after I'm done this one?

Also, The Walking Dead was awesome. Looking VERY forward to the rest of this series. Loved the first episode.


  1. I still need to check out The Walking Dead. I missed the premiere but recording the rerun on DVR. Might have to check out Breaking Bad in the meantime.

  2. Walking dead was awesome! Good luck with school when you get up there.

  3. that image scared the hell out of me

  4. Time is a tickin'!

    Sue me, but I thought they wasted too much time on the setup in the first episode of Walking Dead. I know they have to strike a balance between fans and new people, but I think everyone is aware of the zombie factor and they could of trimmed the first 30 minutes down to 5.

  5. i LOOVVEEE breaking bad. season 3 starts out a bit slow but it really picks up. the final two episodes are INCREDIBLE.

  6. I think season 4 of Breaking Bad starts in July?

  7. Breaking Bad, Dexter, and Mad Men are my most favorite shows... oh yeah, South Park too :D

  8. Love Breaking Bad and good luck with your travel and schooling!
