Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Early Bird Catches The Worm

Another day, another dollar ... day like yesterday. Scouring the Canadian job bank and craigslist. Is it me, or are there a lot of jobs out there for carpenters are truck drivers? Those guys must be rolling in it! Career change...?

This is officially day number 35 of my layoff. In that time I've sent out over 9000 resumes, had 2 job interviews, and one somewhat promising chat with a company that says they're in no position to hire at the moment, but may be in a few months. The first interview I had seemed great, everything went well, I felt like I had it in the bag. That was 3 weeks ago. I think what held me from getting that position was the fact that I'm an apprentice. How can one gain experience without.... getting experience? It's like a damn credit score. Need it to get it. Fuck.

The other interview I had was last Thursday. Great company, amazing wage, nice perks, and super interesting work. It's out of province, but it would be a 12 on 12 off shift, which would allow me to come home roughly every 2 weeks for almost 2 weeks. That'd be nice. Interview was by telephone, and lasted 45 mins. She said she'd let me know once they'd made their decision "next week" (this week). Is this D-Day? Could be, I'll keep you posted...


  1. Good luck! Hope you'll get your job!

  2. I know how it is for you, bro. Especially with the not hiring due to lack of experience, how will we learn if no one will teach us.

    Good luck in the job search.

  3. I hate that employers use lack of an experience as a requirement for a job. There are plenty of jobs I know I can do, but I don't get hired because of my "lack of experience" that I will never get because I am never hired.

  4. Good luck with getting the job. Its pretty difficult to get in the door anymore unless you know someone or you have an immaculate record.

  5. Keep going man! It'll happen soon, I can feel it.

  6. I'm guessing you're from Alberta?

    But anyways good luck with the job hunt. You'll find something =)

  7. what is your career in?

  8. "If your going through hell, keep going".

  9. I hate the job world, called up my employer and they were totally "Oh yeah, we're looking out for you"

    right. ojk

  10. lol Yes McBindahouse, Canada has an army. Even a boat or 2 and some flying thingies. I've thought about that, but I'm really not at a point in my life to run off to do that anymore. Maybe if I was 19 again I'd consider it, there are mechanics in the army.
