Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Now what?

Being laid off, I consider this time of day to be roughly "the end of the day" so to speak, since most places are now or close to now shutting down for the day. The likelihood that any responses to resumes or ads will come after this time is very slim. So another day passes that I go unemployed.

I did my part to be healthy today. I spent some of the morning perusing job ads, sent a couple resumes and watched a couple episodes of The Wire. Then I went to the gym and worked off some energy. I'm now looking at an evening to myself, so, what do I do with it? More Wire? Play a game? Veg? Read? Maybe all of the above...


  1. I hope you find a job soon your blog sounds like it'll be interesting

  2. Look for job ads to apply for tomorrow!

  3. you need to call the companies you want for directly, and try to speak with their HR reps, BEFORE you even send in your resume cover letter etc. trust me, and you'll get a good job

  4. Hi Joscelin, nice to have you following. I've tried that in a few instances. The problem with the industry I'm in right now is that it seems to be saturated right now. The few I've called, I've had one good response that promised possible work in the future, and others do not reply to voicemails etc. What I don't want to do is waste their time (sometimes it feels that way) by cold calling and blacklist myself for something that may come up later. I hear what you're saying, though.

  5. Did you atleast qualify for unemployment benefits?

  6. Hi Steve, I did, which is nice and all and is preventing a major hemhorrage of my bills.

  7. Looking for a job should be a full time job my grandma always says

  8. forget looking for work, keep watching The Wire

  9. I was unemployed for 5 months before I landed something... keep ur head up

    supp and followin'

